Worship Backing Tracks Multitrack Worship Backing Tracks for Churches and small ministries

Worship Backing Tracks

  • Available for Android, iPhone, iPad & Mac

    If you're in need of a drummer, keyboard player, bass, guitarist, more singers in your ensemble, etc... Worship Backing Tracks has you covered with HD multitrack music with vocals! Subscribe Now!

    W.B.T. is an easy-to-use multitrack music app. It's great for churches with limited musician and equipment options. This app caters to those who are looking to raise the standard of excellence in the art of musical celebration. It is a serendipitous fusion of sound and quality; which is the perfect combo for a great musical worship experience.


    All Songs $29.99/month (Now the only subscription option): You will have full access to all songs and ability to create unlimited song lists for $29.99USD/month subscription price.

    Limited Access (Previously $19.99/month): This option is no longer available to new subscribers. It is only availble to existing Limited Access Subscribers. The price for this will show as $29.99 in the subscription settings if anyone attempts to subscribe to this outside of the app.

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